"BADGES... we don't need no stinkin' Badges!" ... Or do we?...
We have just launched the new MBSAR badges to represent the levels of training and certification.
As many of you know Level 3 is the minimal "Operational" level for any team who provide Mountain Bike Search and Rescue as a service or response team.
However there are levels above and below and so the program was written to align the learning and competencies with the requirements of the role.
Now we have a graphic and badge for each level.
Incidentally, the first 'Awareness' has been enhanced and re-developed and now called "Observer" level like an "Air Observer" or a specialist who knows more but is not a "Operator" per se. Obervers sometimes run MBSAR teams as Search Managers or they may
If anyone who has completed the training wants to buy one they are $6 each (+PP).
The current most advanced and highest level possible is Level 6 or Technician Instructor.
We do not yet offer this at Distance eLearning but basically the additions to the Regular level include:
Technical Riding
Wilderness SAR
Tech. (Rope) Rescue Aspects
Overnght camp & Survival
Increased knowledge or biking and SAR