What is MBSAR?
MBSAR focuses on
Mountain Biking
Search and Rescue
Medical Response
Disaster Response
and Support Roles
MBSAR covers 10 main areas
1. Transport SAR members from one area to another
2. Patrol duties on remote / spaced areas (events?)
3. Transport kit from one area to another
4. Hasty Searches, 300m area Route / Path, Sweeps
5. Attraction and Containment / Confinement
6. Performing Reconnaissance
7. Disaster Assessments & analysis
8. ICS (Command Support) Functions
9. Medical Responding
10. Rescue Responding
We certify to 3 main levels or uses
This is NOT considered an operational deployment role. It is literally a support role of using a mountain bike to perform support functions such as delivery of messages or consumables in the cold zone.
SUPPORTERS should not be deployed in the Warm or Hot zone.
OPERATORS are full certified to deploy in all zones, from cold, warm and hot and in both urban and wilderness environments - but not necessarily extreme environments on sustained and overnight operations.
For the most part - MBSAR Operators and trained and certified to use the Mountain Bike in most GSAR and Disaster settings, without restriction
TECHNICIANS are tailored certifications that allow MBSAR Operators to learn and get certified in two additional capacities:
1) With Additional Technical riding skills and more hazardous environments
2) With possibility of overnight deployments in the field / wilderness
For the most part, the OPERATOR LEVEL is the standard level for most MBSAR TEAMS.
Our course materials are about 95% original including our books, manuals, certificates, wallet cards, pens, log books and clothing etc.
The small perecentage that is not is due to the desire to include high quality and important aspects of the SAR (Search and Rescue), DR (Disaster Response) or MBSAR community that we did not create.