The "M-CHECK" and pre-riding safety.
The M-Check. Make sure it is systematic, thorough and methodical.
Here's a great little graphic we put together to visually illustrate the bike safety check we cover on the Mountain Bike SAR course. It is called the "M Check."
You can see from the picture you simply follow an "M" from the rear of the bike to the front covering all working and moving parts and equipment.
Any thing that is loose that requires tightening should be done immediately like the seat post or brakes (and before riding especially is it is a safety hazard). Any thing that can wait but is noteworthy should be recorded such as oxidisation (rusting) on the bike or wear and tear (such as on the saddle / seat) and repaired or replaced when practicable.
Always carry a bike tool to perform quick riding repairs and maintenance on the go and when required and quick release nuts and mini maintenance kits will help.