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Empty Handed Control


The Police Charter’s programme of empty-handed defensive tactics is formulated from a combination of modern police defensive tactics programmes and simple but devastating martial arts techniques.


In any situation involving Use of Force one must be mindful of images within the public’s eye.


It is imperative from a legal and public relations standpoint that officers are trained to control a subject quickly and effectively.


Every defensive tactics programme must begin with the Subject Control Approach.


Factors that form part of this approach include:

  • initial scene survey;

  • relative body positioning and stance;

  • pyschogenic presentation,

  • tactical communications;

  • reactionary gap;

  • recognition of danger cues and situation escalation.


With full consideration given to the uniform and

equipment an officer must wear, the instruction utilises

pressure points, restraining techniques and practical

defenses that enable an officer to successfully defend

him/herself and accomplish safe control of a subject.


Elements of empty-handed control techniques and

philosophies are present in all Use of Force programmes.


•Officer Psychology

•The Use of Force Model: legal and justifiable Use of Force

•Verbal and non-verbal messages

•Subject Control Approach and Officer Safety

•Keys to successful arrest and restraint

•Structural versus Neurological Control

•Control Techniques and “Come-alongs”

•Pressure Point control methods

•Environmental Factors

•Control to Passive or Active Handcuffing

•Methods of striking, restraining and control, and their appropriate applications

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